Perennial Bright Display Website
Perennial Design
Meet Perennial Bright - a sustainable hybrid light and security pole. Installed outside the Perennial Design head office in Toronto, Perennial Bright is a one-of-a-kind light pole that generates its own energy, powers a security camera and monitoring system, has a zero carbon footprint. Perennial Bright generates its own energy through solar panels and a wind turbine, and even though it’s completely off-grid, it distributes the same amount of light as a traditional high intensity discharge (HID) light installation. And that’s not all. Perennial Bright’s latest sustainable technology also powers a 24/7-security system.
Contrtacted to develope an HTML5-based microsite to display the real-time output from the Perennial Bright light pole. The light pole (built by Clear Blue Technologies) outputs a fairly large amount of JSON data. The incoming data is loaded and parsed using PHP, AJAX & JSON. The parsed data is then applied to the various screen elements and animated using jQuery and JavaScript.
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Highcharts API
The Highcharts API was used to generate an interactive chart based from the real-time data from Perennial Bright.
Once the data is loaded, all site elements transition on screen with various effects. Reload the page a few times to see the transitions of the charts, dials, etc.